3 Important Benefits of Temporary Work

By Freda Marver 12 years agoNo Comments

3 Important Benefits of Temporary Work

Watch this KMSP interview for an overview of this topic, or scroll past for the full post …

On this recent TV interview, I talked about the increase in temporary jobs, and how employees can use them to their advantage.

While permanent job hiring has remained constant, temporary job offerings have risen sharply. Frequently these are short-term assignments. They run the gamut from retail to manufacturing to IT to medicine to law.

Temporary jobs present an advantage for entrepreneurs, contractors, and freelancers. Jobs that used to be done in-house are now being outsourced. This presents opportunities to pitch projects to many organizations that previously would not have been interested. I’ve seen contractors successfully offer their services in the areas of human resources, marketing and technical support.

However, temporary jobs are disheartening for those seeking permanent full-time work, both for the security and the benefits — which these positions rarely offer. I have clients now employed full-time who are hesitant to take a temporary job because at least they are in a stable position, even though they are unhappy. I also have clients who’ve taken temporary jobs because their current situation was untenable, and they were optimistic that this would take them more in a career direction they wanted to go. In fact, statistics report about one in four temporary jobs leads to a permanent position.


So, what important benefits could you expect from temporary work, even though you’re seeking a permanent job? Here are three:



  1. Gather Skills & Experience In A New or Related Industry. See what kind of skills you can add to your résumé. You may be doing work you’ve done previously, but in a new industry. Or you may be expanding your skill set. Use this time to expand the breadth and depth of your experience, and be sure to include it on your résumé.
  2. Make New Contacts & Build Your Network. This is the perfect opportunity to network with an entirely new group of people. Most people get their jobs through networking, not applying to job postings. Get to know your co-workers and manager. Build relationships with clients, customers, and vendors – even the person in the office down the hall. Go to coffee. Invite them to join you on LinkedIn.
  3. Earn Confidence & Appreciation For Work Done Well. Confidence comes from learning and mastering a new job, and for being appreciated for your contributions. There is also satisfaction that comes from the structure of a job: having a reason to get up in the morning and a place to go.

It’s still a slow economy – that’s beyond our control. But I always encourage my clients to figure out ways to adapt and thrive with the opportunities that do arise.


  Coaching Tips, In the Media
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